Seth Meyers Hilariously Weighs in on Flint Water Crisis [VIDEO]
'Late Night' host Seth Meyers took 'A Closer Look' at the ongoing Flint Water Crisis, noting that bullcrap is "still healthier to drink than Flint's water."
Flint's water emergency has become national, and even international news, so it's normal that we've become a topic of conversation for late night comedians. It's OK. There's no such thing as bad publicity, and our city can withstand being a punchline!
“The water was twice as poisonous as toxic waste — or just slightly less poisonous than a Monster energy drink,” Meyers said. “The water was so bad it caused car parts to rust, and yet they let human beings keep drinking it.”
It's funny, but ouch! Enjoy Meyers' monologue in the video below. It's hilarious, even if it does hit close to home, literally.