
11 Obamacare Co-ops on Secret Death Watch
11 Obamacare Co-ops on Secret Death Watch
11 Obamacare Co-ops on Secret Death Watch
It’s easy to forget to be angry about the fiasco that is Obamacare. The never ending string of disasters that have followed, one after another after another, is very distracting. Now The Daily Caller reports that the Obama Administration has a list of 11 insurance co-ops that are in danger of collapsing. Five...
Phony Scandals For Dummies
Phony Scandals For Dummies
Phony Scandals For Dummies
To understand what is going on in Washington D.C., requires one to assign new meaning to well established words while willfully disbelieving what our lying eyes see. This is the hope of the Obama administration along with his supporters in congress, the media, interest groups and some in the general public...
Tuesday On The Tom Sumner Program
Tuesday On The Tom Sumner Program
Tuesday On The Tom Sumner Program
Get Covered America State Director Erin Knott talks about how signing up for healthcare is going under the new affordable care act known as Obamacare, plus Astronomer Richard Walker (Longway Planetarium) and Flint area soul singer Heather Jones guest on The Tom Sumner Program Tuesday December 10 beginning at 3 p...
President Obama’s Talking Point Fix
President Obama’s Talking Point Fix
President Obama’s Talking Point Fix
In yesterday’s press conference, President Obama offered what he characterized as a fix to the problem of the growing number of people being kicked off their insurance plans because of the Affordable Care Act. By decree, the President announced a one year reprieve; insurers may go back to offering the non-compliant ACA policies the law had forced them to cancel. Now ...
Friday On The Tom Sumner Program
Friday On The Tom Sumner Program
Friday On The Tom Sumner Program
Michael Spleet from Franklin Benefit Solutions talks about Obamacare, Kristina Lakey introduces actor William Ragsdale (Fright Night/Herman's Head) as this year's Flint Zombie Walk Grand Marshal plus FRIDAY LIVE AT FIVE with "Maybe Twice" featuring Heather and Todd from Lester Bangs on The Tom Sumner Program Friday October 4 beginning at 3 p...
Tuesday On The Tom Sumner Program
Tuesday On The Tom Sumner Program
Tuesday On The Tom Sumner Program
Linda Hamacher, CEO for Genesee, Saginaw & Bay County Health Plan explains Obamacare, Montrose Minister Tom Banks (American Fellowship Church) talks about Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment - Michigan and Cheryl DeFrain (Flint & Genesee Convention and Visitors Bureau) talks about what Flint area people can learn from taking a tour of their own city on The Tom Sumner Program Tuesday July 16
Obamacare Explained in One Sentence
Obamacare Explained in One Sentence
Obamacare Explained in One Sentence
This...is priceless.  Dr. Barbara Bellar is running for the state senate in Illinois.  The former nun and Army major, now a physician, dissects Obamacare in devastating fashion.  The video has gone viral:

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