Could Thundersnow Be More Common in Michigan Than You Think?Could Thundersnow Be More Common in Michigan Than You Think?Even though it's rare, is thundersnow more common in Michigan than anywhere else in the world?Jeremy FenechJeremy Fenech
The 100 Snowiest Counties In America: 7 Michigan Counties RankedThe 100 Snowiest Counties In America: 7 Michigan Counties RankedLawn Love crunched data to determine which counties in the USA should be considered the "Snowiest," and Michigan ranks 7 times. 100 Snowiest Counties in AmericaScott ClowScott Clow
Michigan Colder Than Alaska AND Antarctica For Most of the WeekMichigan Colder Than Alaska AND Antarctica For Most of the WeekMichigan vs. Antarctica: Who Will Win the Cold War?Scott ClowScott Clow
Arctic Blast Warning for Michigan—Prepare for Extreme ColdArctic Blast Warning for Michigan—Prepare for Extreme ColdWell, get ready, Michigan—Mother Nature is about to send another Arctic blast our way.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
5 Things You Forget Because It's Fall in Michigan5 Things You Forget Because It's Fall in MichiganWhat does a 30 degree morning and a 75 degree afternoon do to Michiganders? The get forgetful and leave these 5 items at work or schoolScott ClowScott Clow
Fall Allergy Season Could Last Even Longer in MichiganFall Allergy Season Could Last Even Longer in MichiganWhat's making so many Michiganders sneeze right now?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
The Big Chill: Farmers' Almanac Forecast for Michigan This WinterThe Big Chill: Farmers' Almanac Forecast for Michigan This Winter When the Farmers' Almanac predicts a 'Wet Winter Whirlwind' it can't be good. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
The Great Michigan Flood of 1986: 14 Inches in 12 HoursThe Great Michigan Flood of 1986: 14 Inches in 12 HoursDiscover the intense Great Michigan Flood of 1986, which devastated cities like Saginaw, Bay City, and Midland, leaving a lasting impact on residents.Scott ClowScott Clow
When Was Michigan's Hottest Summer and How Hot Did It Get?When Was Michigan's Hottest Summer and How Hot Did It Get?It was one hot summer.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
Farmer’s Almanac Makes Prediction For Michigan Summer That You Need To KnowFarmer’s Almanac Makes Prediction For Michigan Summer That You Need To KnowBefore you make major plans, the Farmers' Almanac has made weather predictions that may affect your Michigan summer plans.Lisha B.Lisha B.