Ornamental Grasses are Easy to Care for and Add Movement to Your Garden
Do you have a problem area in your landscape? Are you looking for interesting foliage? Does movement seem to be missing from your garden? Are easy care plants a must? Whether sunny or shady, arid or moist, immaculate or informal, grasses work!
You don’t need tons of space or garden savvy to grow great ornamental grasses. Smaller type grasses like Elijah Blue fescue, Blue oat grass, Little Bunny fountain grass, or Japanese blood grass will perform well in hot, dry sunny locations. Grass-like sedges are one way to occupy similar space in shadier spots. Many maiden grasses will thrive in partial shade as well as full sun. Morning Light maiden grass will make the transition to a shadier area from a sunny one, while providing soft texture and color.
Many grasses will develop white, russet, rose or pink flower plumes. Others have beautiful fall colors. Straight and narrow, short and spiky, or full and billowy, small, medium or large, grasses are durable, varied and lovely. Let Wojo’s staff help you find just the right grasses or grass-like plants to liven up your landscape.
Guest Contributor
Kitty Byron,
Wojo's Garden Splendors