Four New Polling Locations Open in Flint for Absentee Ballots
The new locations are open through Monday, August 3rd.
Hey Flintstones - there are not one, not two, not three, but FOUR new polling locations open for you to drop off your absentee ballots safely.
It was announced on Tuesday by Flint City Clerk Inez Brown that residents are now able to hand in your absentee ballots at the following locations:
- Berston Field House, 3300 N Saginaw St.
- Word of Life Christian Church, 460 W Atherton Rd.
- Mince Manor, 3820 Richfield Rd.
- West Court Street Church of God, 2920 W Court St.
These locations will be open from 9 AM - 5 PM until Monday, August 3rd. Each location will be staffed by trained individuals; you can bring your ballot by, drop it in a secured can and the volunteers will take the ballots back to the city clerk's office at the end of each day.
So far, according to Flintbeat.com, the city of Flint has had a record number of absentee ballots turned it - more than 11,000.
If you feel more comfortable turning your ballot into the clerk's office in person, the office will be open this weekend with special hours, on both Saturday and Sunday, from 9 AM - 5 PM.
There is currently a lawsuit brought forth by Flint residents and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) which accuses the clerk’s office of violating the right to vote in-person.
No excuses, folks - there are 11 polling locations and now 4 more open to get your ballots in. VOTE VOTE VOTE!

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