Here’s Where You Can Find One of Michigan’s 900 Ballot Drop-BoxesHere’s Where You Can Find One of Michigan’s 900 Ballot Drop-BoxesThe United States Postal Service isn't the only way to cast an absentee ballot. PatPat
Four New Polling Locations Open in Flint for Absentee BallotsFour New Polling Locations Open in Flint for Absentee BallotsThe new locations are open through Monday, August 3rd. PatPat
GM Layoffs May Hit Grand Blanc Township LocationGM Layoffs May Hit Grand Blanc Township LocationMakes us sad - we delivered free lunch Friday to them a while back. PatPat
Does Where We Vote Influence How We Vote?Does Where We Vote Influence How We Vote?When people vote, they often do it in schools, city halls or churches. And new research says our polling places may actually affect the ballots we cast.Shauna WrightShauna Wright