Woman in Zombie Makeup Sent to Trauma at Michigan Hospital
I'm torn between "she should've told them" and "they should've been able to tell."
A professional dancer was rushed to Beaumont Royal Oak on Monday night - she had been sitting in the make-up chair for over three hours for a Halloween marketing campaign and ended up having a massive panic attack.
When she got there, the doctors said, "Let's get her back to trauma now and she's probably going into shock, she's not making any sense."
They didn't know that she was wearing makeup. She assumed that they had to have known, and didn't say anything.
Based on the statement they released, it almost sounds as if they felt they were being pranked.
The emergency room is not a place for fun and games. They see many patients with severe medical issues where lives are at stake. Doctors need to be able to focus on those patients with true emergencies. -Beaumont Health