U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee to Distribute Free Water in Flint
U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, along with community and labor organizations, will distribute 2,000 gallons of free water to City of Flint residents affected by the ongoing problems with the city's water supply.
"Access to quality water is a basic human right and I am happy to partner with community organizations to ensure every Flint resident has access to safe and drinkable water," said Kildee. "Over the past weeks, my office has been in touch with local officials to offer assistance to the city in seeking federal or state support in order to address the ongoing water issue."
Gallons jugs of water will be handed out free to City of Flint residents on a first come, first serve basis today beginning at 10 a.m. Residents must show proof of residency and each household can receive up to four gallon jugs of water.
Flint residents can pick up the free water at two locations including Lincoln Park United Methodist Church located at 3410 Fenton Road and the UAW Region 1-D located at 1940 W. Atherton.