25 of the Best Lakes in Michigan
Listen, if I sat here and named all of Michigan's lakes we'd be here until 2022. So, I narrowed it down to twenty five lakes that you need to visit at least once, maybe twice, in your life. We left out the Great Lakes because those are obvious choices!
We have so many lakes that there's been several attempts to create a master list. To be honest, besides the Great Lakes, I don't actually know how many inland lakes we have because all of the research is different.

I mean how big does a body of water have to be in order for a lake to be considered a lake? This is all stuff that I've never thought of until I was over here trying to figure out exactly how many lakes Michigan has.
We have ones that are less than an acre to ones that are 10,000 acres and greater. According to Michigan Lake Info, if you're looking at 10 acres or larger we have 6,463. Numbers are hard and my head hurts.
Let's move on from numbers and onto the things we enjoy most about lake life.
If you give a Michigander a body of water, what will they do with it? The answer is anything and everything because a majority of us live for our time spent on or near a lake.
Some of us are bigger adrenaline seekers and enjoy boating, tubing, jet skiing, water skiing, parasailing and more. Others prefer more of a laid back method such as fishing, kayaking, paddle boarding, or lounging on the beach.
What's one of your favorite things to do on or near the water?
Here's that list of twenty five lakes worth visiting in the Mitten that I promised you.