Make Sure To Mail Your Presents Before THIS DayMake Sure To Mail Your Presents Before THIS DayMake sure your holiday packages don’t arrive late—get the USPS shipping schedule here.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
9 Items That You Absolutely Cannot Send in the Mail in Michigan9 Items That You Absolutely Cannot Send in the Mail in MichiganHave you mistakenly mailed a banned or non-mailable item?Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Michigan Mail Carrier Shot in the Hand By Kids with a BB GunMichigan Mail Carrier Shot in the Hand By Kids with a BB GunKnock it off, kids. GET OFF MY LAWN!PatPat
Here Are Your 2019 Christmas Shipping DeadlinesHere Are Your 2019 Christmas Shipping DeadlinesIf you've been waiting, you're running out of time. AJAJ
Don’t Forget About Your Delivery People This ChristmasDon’t Forget About Your Delivery People This ChristmasIn a world of Amazon, grocery delivery and Door Dash, let's not forget those who bring us our goodies. AJAJ
USPS Launching Operation Santa for Low-Income KidsUSPS Launching Operation Santa for Low-Income KidsYou can "adopt" an underprivileged child this Christmas and send them a gift. PatPat
Help Stamp Out Hunger This Weekend With The USPSHelp Stamp Out Hunger This Weekend With The USPSDon't forget to leave some food out for your mailman to pick up this Saturday.ClayClay
Here’s How You Can Help Your Michigan Postal Workers This WeekHere’s How You Can Help Your Michigan Postal Workers This WeekIt's going to be dangerously cold this week, so here's a simple way we can help out our mail carriers.AJAJ
Cost of Stamps Going up This WeekendCost of Stamps Going up This WeekendIf you have a lot of things to mail out in the near future, you might want to stock up on stamps before Sunday.JennyJenny
Homeowner Catches UPS Man Stealing Daughter’s Just Delievered iPadHomeowner Catches UPS Man Stealing Daughter’s Just Delievered iPadAl Alverson didn't get the iPad mini that he had ordered through FedEx. However, the blame for the non-delivery rested squarely on UPS.Jeremy TaylorJeremy Taylor