How Toilet Paper Hoarded During the Pandemic is Now ExpiredHow Toilet Paper Hoarded During the Pandemic is Now ExpiredHere's how to tell if your toilet paper is expired. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
The Psychology Behind Stockpiling Toilet Paper in a CrisisThe Psychology Behind Stockpiling Toilet Paper in a CrisisWe can make all the "dirty butt" jokes in the world, but there's still no toilet paper left. Why? AJAJ
Michigan Man Admits To Never Using Toilet Paper Before CoronavirusMichigan Man Admits To Never Using Toilet Paper Before Coronavirus"I always wondered why it was next to every toilet in the world."AJAJ
MSU Says Toilet Paper Noose on Students’ Door was a Halloween PrankMSU Says Toilet Paper Noose on Students’ Door was a Halloween PrankLooks like Michigan State is on the positive PR tour again.AJAJ
Advertising on Toilet Paper May Be the Greatest Idea Since, Well, Toilet PaperAdvertising on Toilet Paper May Be the Greatest Idea Since, Well, Toilet PaperThere is nothing new about reading in the bathroom, although a couple of young men are doing their best to change the way we do it by filling the restroom walls of businesses full of toilet paper printed with advertising and coupons.Mike AdamsMike Adams