County singer Kane Brown made a stop in Grand Blanc to perform at the Ally Challenge last month and left as an official Genesee County Deputy complete with badge and all.
For 24 years the case has gone unsolved without answers to why and who was responsible for the brutal murder of Mary Prieur. Finally, there has been an arrest.
Starting next week, visitors to the Genesee County Jail will no longer be able to visit inmates face to face, and will instead speak to them on a computer screen. According to ABC 12, Genesee County Sheriff says he's been trying to implement this form of visitation for quite some time...
A Wednesday news conference at the Flint Police Department revealed that 50 people are being investigated for water theft in the city of Flint. According to ABC 12, the city had hired a special investigator, Marcus Mahan, to focus solely on the thefts...
Update: At a news conference on Monday, Genesee County Sheriff Robert Pickell said Gatica will be fired. She is charged with 16 counts related to possession and delivery of a controlled substance. She was with the Sheriff's department for 13 years...
The race for Genesee County Sheriff will be decided by the Democratic primary on August 7th. Two challengers Tim Johnson and Dan Allen, and incumbent Sheriff Robert Pickell guest on The Tom Sumner Program Tuesday beginning at 6 p.m.