
Brothel Owner Recommends Legalized Prostitution to Fix Economy
Brothel Owner Recommends Legalized Prostitution to Fix Economy
Brothel Owner Recommends Legalized Prostitution to Fix Economy
There is one business that continues to flourish no matter how unstable the American economy seems to become: prostitution. And while lawmakers are currently struggling to figure out ways to keep the country from tipping right over the fiscal cliff, there are some that believe the solution lies in legalizing and taxing the sex trade.
Is the Economy Getting Better? – Survey of the Day
Is the Economy Getting Better? – Survey of the Day
Is the Economy Getting Better? – Survey of the Day
Over the last few months, there has been some data that suggests the sluggish economy could be improving. Mainly, the unemployment rate, which has dropped to 8.3 percent after reaching a 26-year high of 10 percent in late 2009. However, according to a new survey from Poll Postion, the public is split on whether America is entering into a period of economic recovery.
Is the Rift Between Rich and Poor Growing in America? — Survey of the Day
Is the Rift Between Rich and Poor Growing in America? — Survey of the Day
Is the Rift Between Rich and Poor Growing in America? — Survey of the Day
Spurred on by the recent “Occupy” protests, class conflict has become an increasing part of the public discourse. This is reflected in a new poll from the Pew Research Center, which finds the percentage of Americans who see conflict between the rich and poor as a problem has jumped significantly over the last two years.
Michigan Smoking Ban Hurting Bars
Michigan Smoking Ban Hurting Bars
Michigan Smoking Ban Hurting Bars
It's only been 7 months since Michigan enforced its ban on smoking in bars and restaurants, and it really seems to be taking it's toll on bar owners; reports: “It’s definitely a rough time for some places, I’m not going to mince words,” said Ed Parsekian, the Public Health-Muskegon County employee charged with enforcing the ban. In a recent survey, “a l...