Jeremy Taylor

Do You Use Coupons? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the bad economy and shows such as ‘Extreme Couponing,’ coupons should be as popular as ever. But how many people actually use them while shopping?

Do You Get Political News from Social Media? — Survey of the Day
Given the proliferation of social media over the last four years, 2012 should be the social media election.

Obama Shows Sense of Humor, Invites Harold and Kumar to DNC
After Clint Eastwood‘s bizarre appearance at the Republican National Convention last week, it’s safe to say the election season has gotten weird. Are the Democrats courting similar spectacle by inviting famed movie stoners Harold and Kumar to their big show this week?

Would You Let Your Child Undergo Plastic Surgery If It Could Prevent Bullying? — Survey of the Day
Bullying has been around forever, but it’s really come to the forefront over the last few years with experts and educators weighing in with different ways to solve this problem that affects so many kids.

Woman Arrested For Trying To Throw Drug-Filled Footballs Into Prison
It’s September, which means the nation is starting to go football crazy. Ohio woman Janine Fulton recently took football insanity to a new level when she filled a couple official size Wilson balls with pills, marijuana, cigarettes, cell phones, and cell phone chargers and tried to toss them into the Richland Correctional Institution in Mansfield, OH.

Are Political Conventions a Waste of Time? — Survey of the Day
This week, the Republicans are holding their national political convention in Tampa, Florida. Next week it will be the Democrats doing the same in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Have You Smoked a Cigarette in the Past Week? — Survey of the Day
Between the persistency of the surgeon general and bans everywhere from workplaces to bars, being a smoker should be harder than it’s ever been before.
But are these anti-smoking efforts actually causing a decline in the rates of cigarette consumption?

Do You Feel Like You Need to Upgrade Your Smart Phone to 4G? — Survey of the Day
Internet connectivity on cell phones has improved by leaps and bounds over the last five years.
According to experts it’s about to take another huge leap with the introduction of the iPhone 5, which is expected to run on Apple’s 4G LTE network.

Would You Pay a Surcharge for Using Your Credit Card? — Survey of the Day
When you use plastic to make a purchase, the credit card company bills the vendor a surcharge between 1.5 and three percent.

Are Americans Getting More or Less Honest? — Survey of the Day
Thanks partially to presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, Americans have always prided themselves on being honest.
But are we still following the example of these icons?