Grand Blanc Girl Making Gift Bags for Those In Need – The Good News
Posted by KK'S Bags For Those In Need on Monday, December 23, 2019
This is the third year that Kaitlyn has taken on this selfless task.
A couple of years ago, Kaitlyn saw a YouTube video of a young girl, passing out supplies to people who needed them the most. She told her parents about it and said that she wanted to do the same thing, because "everybody deserves a gift at Christmas."
Her first year she was able to make 196 bags, in 2019 she upped her game and made 215 for grown ups and 106 for children. She also makes gift bags for the local humane society pets! In 2019 = 96 dog and 90 cats received a lovely little gift bag. What is coming in 2020? Hopefully magical things! Keep paying attention, the world is changing one bag at a time.
Drum roll please for this years organizations...
Posted by KK'S Bags For Those In Need on Wednesday, October 14, 2020
This year, Kaitlyn is donating gift bags to Family Promise of Genesee County and the Humane Society of Genesee County.
For Family Promise, she's looking for donations of winter hats, gloves, socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and a small toy for the kids. For the Humane Society, she's looking for donations of dog and cat toys.
Donations need to be received by Monday, December 14th so that they can be distributed on time. If you can't contribute physical items, you can donate to her Amazon Wishlist HERE.
If you have questions or donations, you can contact Jennifer Arden at 810-513-5500.
Way to go, Kaitlyn! Doing some good in the neighborhood!

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