Genesee Co. Water and Waste Services Receive $55,500 Rebate from Consumers Energy
Genesee County Water and Waste Services received a check from Consumers Energy on Thursday for upgrades to its wastewater plant in Linden that was made more energy efficient.
Genesee County Drain Commissioner Jeff Wright and other officials accepted the rebate check for $55,522. During the check presentation, Wright said the "energy efficiency program from Consumers Energy provided an excellent opportunity to upgrade some of our old equipment that will result in lower operating costs at out Linden treatment facility." He added "not only are we acting as a good environmental neighbor, but we are also keeping costs down at the same time., which means we don't have to pass on those additional energy costs to our customers."
Changes that were highlighted at the Linden facility included an aeration blower and control upgrades that will save 64.3 kilowatts per year, or about $45,000 and a circulation pump motor replacement that will save 13.8 kilowatts per year, or about $10,400.
Teri Van Sumeren, Consumers Energy director of energy efficiency solutions, said "helping Michigan save energy is our promise and we're pleased to work with Genesee County staff on this project."
To learn more about the energy efficiency programs from Consumers Energy and how to apply for incentives, visit