Could You Be Saving More Money at the Grocery Store? — Dollars and Sense
The typical American family has very little control over its monthly cost of living.
Everything that we need to live is expensive, from keeping up with mortgage and rent payments, right down to trying to manage the rising costs of the water and electric bills — and let’s not forget we have to eat too!
Food is expensive. According to the Department of Agriculture, the average family of four can spend as much as $1,200 a month on groceries. That figure alone has many American families looking for ways to cut down on food costs without being forced into a starvation diet.
According to moneywisemoms.com founder, Gina Lincicum, the secret to successful grocery budgeting begins before you even step foot into a grocery store. “Even without couponing you can get at least 40 percent off your grocery bill”, says Lincicum. “Most families eat the same thing. We’re creatures of habit. So shop from a list. If it’s not on the list, don’t buy it. Plan your meals for the week so you’re not impulsively spending more money than you need to.”
Lincicum adds that building a rapport with one particular grocer, as well as stocking up on commonly used items when they go on sale are instrumental in maintaining a successful budget.
Secrets to Cutting Your Grocery Bill in Half
- Plan your meals for the week to cut down on impulse spending.
- Shop from a list. If it’s not on the list, don’t buy it.
- Buy items at their lowest price. Watch for stores to heavily discount items during certain times of the year.
- Know one store well. Know their policies and build a rapport with its clerks and managers.
- Combine coupons with items already on sale to maximize the value of the coupon.
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