Burton Dog Park Grand Opening on October 3rd
Dog lovers unite - there's a new place in Genesee County to take your pups to play.
October 3rd marks the grand opening of the brand-new Burton Dog Park at Our Risen Lord Lutheran Church, located at 4040 Lapeer Road in Burton.
According to the Facebook event:
Celebrate the grand opening of the Burton Dog Park with all the great people & organizations that helped make our park a reality.
Magoos Outlet will be providing "doggie bags" with treats for people & pups to the first 100 humans.
Come out and see the park that we built!
There will be a short ceremony that recognizes all of the people, businesses and area organizations that have a heart for their community.
This has been a long passion project for local parents, activists and dog lovers Kris Johns and Vanessa Ferguson. They started the "Friends of the Burton Dog Park" group that lobbied for donations to get the park finished.
One of the biggest donations came from city of Burton fire department and the Burton firefighters association.
"The reason we donated this money from the Burton firefighters is, we're all dog lovers, we all have a dog or have had a dog at one point. It was a quick and easy 'yes' from everybody; we got the money together in less than a week," Josh, one of the Burton firefighters, said in a live video.
Kris and Vanessa were also instrumental in getting the Grand Blanc Dog Park started back in 2014.
We had them on our show earlier this month to talk about the progress, and, as Burton residents, we are so excited about this! Thanks to everybody who donated!
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