A Dog’s Day Out at the Michigan Renaissance Festival
Yes, you can take your dog to the Michigan Renaissance Festival and I highly recommend it.
To quote our digital sales manager, "You can take your dog to the Ren Fest? I should take mine - he's been a little down lately."
First of all, click HERE to download the form that you'll need. Save time and fill it out at home; yes, your dog has to be up to date on their vaccinations and you must have proof. Also, bring a pic of your dog. Take it to the Pet Registration booth right inside the Michigan Renaissance Festival's front gate, pay the $10 and you're all set.
My son and I took our 11-year-old mini schnauzer, Princess Pepper to the fest yesterday and she had a BLAST. Everybody wanted to pet her and she found every last scrap of turkey leg that was on the ground.
A few tips for you, if you make the trip with your fur baby:
1. Bring a water bowl.
It gets hot out there and, while you can't bring your own water inside, it's for sale for $2 a bottle.
2. Your dog WILL get dirty, so deal with it.
Our little salt & pepper babe was filthy when we got home, but it was worth it.
3. Bring treats!
It's a great way to keep your dog paying attention to you while you roam the grounds, especially when you want them to stay or sit.
Princess Pepper at the Michigan Ren Fest
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