These Five Michigan Counties Saw An Increase In Population On The Last Census
Michigan is a beautiful state, from the bottom to the top. You'll see a lot of fascinating sights, and even meet a lot of interesting people along the way too.
According to data from the U.S. Census, these five Michigan Counties actually saw an increase in population.
These Five Michigan Counties Are The Fastest Growing Population Wise

We did see a decrease and increases in other area's as well, those above were just the highest to stand out in the data.
Those with the biggest decline of population are Isabella County in Northern Michigan. Central Michigan University also saw a decline in it's population as well, according to data from the study.
A few Michigan Counties did see an Increase in population since the last census. Those included Macomb County, which saw a 5% increase, as well as Oakland County, which saw a 6% increase in population.
Most of the increases in this years census can be found in lower Michigan, in more populated cities/counties. Detroit, Grand Rapids, the Kalamazoo Battle Creek area were a few to see an increase since our last census.
Researchers believe the decrease in population in Detroit could be due to tax foreclosures. Wayne County also took and resold thousands of properties, which is partly due to the 2008 housing crisis, which could explain those numbers.