Teen Heart Check in Flint This Weekend
If you have a child between the ages of 13 and 19 heart checks are so important. The Thomas Smith Memorial Foundation in partnership with Hurley Children's Hospital has a free Teen Heart Check this Saturday, March 24th at the Genesee Career Institute (5081 Torrey Road, Flint) from 9am to 2pm.
A lot of teens get a sports physical each year, but that doesn't include an in-depth look at their heart. Over 3,000 teens will die this year from Sudden Cardiac Arrest, most with no symptoms before they collapse.
Pre-registration for the heart check is recommended. You can call 810-262-7123 to pre-register, or get more information and a registration packet on the Tommy's Heart website.
Thomas Smith, the son of Mary and Jon Smith suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest in 2011 at the age of 17. Thomas loved to be active and play sports. He was on the powerlifting team, the track and field team, and loved baseball. What his family didn't know, was Thomas had an undiagnosed heart condition. According to the Thomas Smith Memorial Website, the particular heart condition Thomas had, has a 0% survival rate.
Teen Heart checks, like the one on Saturday, could have saved Thomas, and do save children each year. Each heart screening includes a medical history review, a physical exam by a cardiologist, a blood pressure check, an EKG/ECG, and an echocardiogram if needed.
Read the rest of Thomas' story and get more information about the upcoming heart checks here.