It still amazes me how many people still text while driving. I'm constantly watching people drive by me on the expressway with their phones buried in their faces. Well, if State Rep. Jason Sheppard has his way, we may see a little less texting behind the wheel.
Being a teenager is a perilous time in one's life as a not-quite fully developed brain will cause the teen to make all kinds of questionable decisions.
Now thanks to a new phenomenon called sleep-texting, the teenager can even make these bad decisions while they are catching z's.
Although it became a widely used form of communication only recently, texting is actually a decades-old technology. In fact, it celebrated its 20th birthday on Monday, which makes it older than most of the kids who use it. OMG!
President Barack Obama has always been “down” with the young voters. He knows how to dance, he sings, he knows what these kids are saying these days, and he knows how to text. Turns out the latter will be his most important talent in the upcoming election.
In what surely qualifies as one of the first large-scale examples of political fundraising through texting, Obama’s reelection campaign will be
We already know texting while driving is bad, but new research seems to indicate that even before kids are old enough to get behind the wheel, texting might have another downfall: it’s making their grammar worse.
If you want a truthful answer to a question, don’t ask it via text message — recent research suggests people are more likely to lie when using the modern form of communication.