Flint Councilman Eric Mays Files Federal Lawsuit Against the MayorFlint Councilman Eric Mays Files Federal Lawsuit Against the MayorAnd in today's Eric Mays "eye roll" news...PatPat
Flint City Coucilman Eric Mays Gives Nazi Salute During MeetingFlint City Coucilman Eric Mays Gives Nazi Salute During MeetingSome headlines just write themselves, don't they?AJAJ
Michigan Resident Uses Star Wars Speech from ‘Parks and Rec’ at Council MeetingMichigan Resident Uses Star Wars Speech from ‘Parks and Rec’ at Council MeetingMAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!PatPat
Eric Mays Removed as Chairman of the Flint City Council’s Finance CommitteeEric Mays Removed as Chairman of the Flint City Council’s Finance CommitteeThree words: IT'S ABOUT TIME.PatPat
Emergency Mgr Cancels Monthly Meeting with City CouncilEmergency Mgr Cancels Monthly Meeting with City CouncilFlint's Emergency Manager, Michael Brown, announced today the cancellation of the monthly meeting with the Flint City Council planned for Monday, April 9th. Jason CooperJason Cooper