What You Should Absolutely Never Do If Attacked By a Bear in the WoodsWhat You Should Absolutely Never Do If Attacked By a Bear in the WoodsYou may think you don't need tips to survive a bear attack until you're actually staring down a 600-pound grizzly in the woods. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
How Far South Have Black Bears Been Spotted in Michigan?How Far South Have Black Bears Been Spotted in Michigan?The farther south you go, the fewer the sightings, but they do happen.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
Fatal Bear Attacks in Michigan: A Look at the NumbersFatal Bear Attacks in Michigan: A Look at the NumbersThe only species of bear found in Michigan is the black bear. Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
Black Bear Spotted Roaming Through Genesee CountyBlack Bear Spotted Roaming Through Genesee CountyIt's not every day that you see a bear wandering around Genesee County.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
These 6 States Are Totally Cool With You Owning a Pet BearThese 6 States Are Totally Cool With You Owning a Pet BearNot only is owning a bear dangerous, but it is also expensive when you realize how much they eat. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Meet The Mama Bear Crowned 2023 Fat Bear Week ChampionMeet The Mama Bear Crowned 2023 Fat Bear Week ChampionMeet the mama bear who has been crowned the 2023 Fat Bear Week champion.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
A Tough Goodbye: Detroit's Sweet Polar Bear Cubs Head to New ZooA Tough Goodbye: Detroit's Sweet Polar Bear Cubs Head to New ZooGoodbyes can be tough, and this one is no exception. The Detroit Zoo is saying goodbye to the precious polar bear cubs Astra and Laerke, and it won't be easy.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Sisterly Love! Polar Bear Twins Sweetly Reunited at Detroit ZooSisterly Love! Polar Bear Twins Sweetly Reunited at Detroit ZooAfter over 2 years apart, the twin polar bear cubs born at the Detroit Zoo have been reunited. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
‘Baby-Bear Snuggler’ Is an Actual Job in Michigan – Surprising, Isn’t it?‘Baby-Bear Snuggler’ Is an Actual Job in Michigan – Surprising, Isn’t it?Sign me up!Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
What It’s Like to Hike at Michigan’s Pictured Rocks [PHOTOS]What It’s Like to Hike at Michigan’s Pictured Rocks [PHOTOS]It's not easy, but man oh MAN is it worth it.AJAJ