Michigan’s Car Insurance Rates the Highest in the U.S.
If you want affordable car insurance, you should consider living in North Carolina --and you most definitely do not want to live in Michigan. Residents of the Mitten pay more for auto insurance than any other state in the nation, according to a new report issued by InsuranceQuotes.com.
Michigan drivers pay more than double -- 136% above the national average of $815 per year. Take it from someone who has two teenage sons, our insurance rates are indeed ridiculous.
“Michigan is the only state where car insurance includes unlimited lifetime personal injury protection, so that’s a major reason why car insurance is so expensive in Michigan,” according to Laura Adams, insuranceQuotes.com’s senior analyst. “Another reason is that Michigan has an unusually high number of uninsured drivers, which drives up rates for people who do have car insurance.”
Wayne County is the most-expensive county for insurance in Michigan. Some estimates say that nearly 50% of motorists in Wayne County are uninsured.
North Carolina residents pay 41% less than the national average. Strict state regulations, and a high-risk pool program for high-risk drivers are factors that contribute to the state's lower rates.
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- George McIntyre
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