New Michigan Bill Would Allow Alcohol at College Sporting Events
Who's in favor of alcohol being served at college sporting events in Michigan?... A lot of people that's who.
If politicians get their way, drinking alcohol at college sporting events could become reality in the near future. A new bill was introduced today (Thursday) that would allow university governing boards to apply for liquor licenses.
According to MLive, State Rep. Graham Filler, Rep. Joe Tate, and Sen. Curtis Hertel introduced the bills, which have been referred to the House and Senate Regulatory Reform committees for consideration.

The proposed legislation doesn't mean every school will allow alcohol at events but it does at least give them the opportunity to make the decision.
Sen. Curtis Hertel:
It’s simply a matter of fairness. Alcohol is served at (Michigan State University) football games now, but only if you’re lucky enough to watch the game in a suite. Beer at the game should be allowed for more than just rich donors.
While I'm 100% in favor of allowing alcohol at college sporting events, I do understand the problems schools could face with a decision like this. I would have to assume that schools that already allow it, deal with their fair share alcohol related incidents. Honestly, their dealing with those issues anyway. When you think about it though, it would be in a more controlled environment. I would think it would really cut down on people binge drinking before entering stadiums.
State Rep. Graham Filler even said that "data from universities in other states clearly shows that the number of alcohol-related incidents inside stadiums declines when alcohol sales are allowed."
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.