Kid Rock Reveals Senate Campaign as ‘Marketing Strategy,’ Releases ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ + ‘Po-Dunk’ Videos
The "Kid Rock for Senate" campaign is underway, but with a twist. The campaign site that launched earlier this week is real, but Rock revealed that it was also a way to generate some buzz in a unique way for the new music he's releasing. In a new post, Rock takes a shot at the reporting on his campaign site earlier this week, then reveals his intent, and in the time since his statement, two new songs have been revealed.
"Once again the press is wrong. First of all, I’ve got 15 days from my announcement to file paperwork with the FEC! Second, I’m not signed to Warner Bros!!! - which simple fact-checking would have revealed," stars Rock in his statement, before adding, "I have recently worked out a unique deal with BMG, Broken Bow, CAA and Live Nation to release music ON MY TERMS. Like politicians write books during their campaigns, I'm planning on putting out music during mine and IT ALL STARTS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. It's not a hoax, it's a strategy and marketing 101! No plans for an album or anything else that has been the usual norm in the music business OR politics."
Rock continued, "Senator Stabenow and I do share a love of music, although probably not the same kind. I concede she is better at playing politics than I am so I'll keep doing what I do best, which is being a voice for tax paying, hardworking AMERICANS and letting politicians like her know that We the People are sick and tired of their bulls--t!"
For her part, Senator Stabenow responded with the tweet below:
Kid Rock finished with a quote from the movie Captain Phillips -- “I am the captain now.” -- and a series of hashtags -- #fakenews #kidrockforsenate #kidrock #podunk #greatestshowonearth.
Two of those hashtags are titles of new songs that have since premiered. In the player above, you'll see "Greatest Show on Earth," the more hard rock based of the two new tracks. The clip is more of a compilation of video footage from throughout Kid Rock's career, much of it focusing on his incredible live show. The raucous song has that killer gritty low end sound and boasts the chorus, "Welcome the greatest / Love the way you hate us / Welcome to the greatest show on earth."
The second video, seen below, is for a song called "Po-Dunk." The twangy country rocker celebrates a bit of the hillbilly lifestyle, giving us a look at the joys of mudpits, firearms, three-wheelers, above ground pools and lawn mower races. Watch the clip below.
The site and the actual YouTube video clips also offer opportunities to purchase Kid Rock merchandise as well. Stay tuned to see what else the "Kid Rock for Senate" campaign generates.
Kid Rock, "Po-Dunk"
10 Bands Who Told Politicians to Stop Using Their Music
See the Ages of Kid Rock + Other Rockers in This Birthday Gallery