Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
While the United States takes measures such as abstinence initiatives, sexual education and sometimes criticizing Bristol Palin as a scare tactic to prevent teenage pregnancy, some schools in the UK are taking a much more direct route.
A report from the British National Health Service announced that many girls were given long-term contraceptives at school.
These girls, as young as 13, filled out questionnaires about their sexual activity and habits. They then were able to receive contraceptive injections or implants, which are inserted under the skin and regulate hormones to prevent pregnancy.
According to the National Health Service statistics, 1,700 girls between the ages of 13 and 14 received the implants. An additional 800 girls were given the shots.
Parents in England are outraged at this report, which makes it clear these procedures were done on school grounds and without parental consent. One angry mother said, “I agree that teaching teenagers about sexual health and contraception is very important, but this is a step too far. To perform a minor surgical procedure on school grounds without parents knowing is morally wrong.”
The National Health Service, however, disagrees and stand by the services they offer teens, pointing to a national decline in teenage pregnancy. The NHS shows no immediate plan to change their policy.
[via NY Daily News]