Consumers who have purchased Zicam cold and allergy medications as far back as 2011 may be eligible to take part in a $16 million class-action lawsuit and receive a cash payment. The suit alleges that the manufacturers made false or misleading claims about the products' effectiveness.

The companies being sued -- Zicam LLC and Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. -- deny the allegations and say their products' claims were "proper, truthful, and not misleading."

A federal court has not decided which side is right and reports say the settlement is to avoid furthering the lawsuit.

Here's the link to submit your claim(s).

If you purchased any of the Zicam products listed below between February 15, 2011, and June 5, 2018, you're eligible to file a claim without a receipt. Consumers can file up to five claims without a receipt. With proper proof of purchase, there is no limit to the number of claims that can be submitted.

Here are the products eligible for participation in the suit:

  • RapidMelts Original
  • RapidMelts Ultra
  • Oral Mist
  • Ultra Crystals
  • Liqui-Lozenges
  • Lozenges Ultra
  • Soft Chews
  • Medicated Fruit Drops
  • Chewables

You have until October 3, 2018, to submit your claims.


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