Following a leader is easy when you understand, admire and respect the individual at the helm. Even if that person is a stranger to you, it is the ideas and message of a movement, which make joining the group an effortless decision. So how does the effective spokesperson persuade a skeptic, or someone with contrary views to change their viewpoint to that of the speaker or of the group? This seems to be a monumental task requiring vast knowledge of the psychological make-up of the brain in order to press the right buttons and say the right things to effect change. Nothing less than a PhD; with years of practical field experience is mandated, and at the very least, one should have written a book or two on the subject.

Nonsense! The only requirement for success is honest and straight-forward communication of the ideas and principles you wish to convey. Real life examples depicting your position are more powerful than any graph, statistic or pie chart could ever claim, as people see themselves in actual situations, more readily than looking at lines on a chart. When speaking, use of the words You, and, I, become the catalyst to evoke a sense of involvement and participation by the listener.

During a speech, the ‘skilled politician’ will offer lofty promises of things to come and create the atmosphere of euphoria with each word. But a close examination of those words will reveal emptiness, leaving the audience fearful and confused while wondering if the promises can be met. The polished political speaker will captivate the audience and bring thunderous applause with carefully crafted phrases and methods of presentation all designed to ‘make the case’. After all, in politics, perception is reality.

With all the pomp and circumstance on display, the key ingredient of successful persuasion is still absent. When you peel back the layers of practiced delivery, all the correct words and phrases, even after the fancy stage props have been dismantled, can you find the truth? Most times not, and that speaker finds himself once again singing to the same, albeit confused, choir.

But the orator of truth using plain everyday language and a no frills presentation, finds a degree of articulate conveyance which, stirs the pot of jealousy among the professional speakers. While truth in politics is a rare commodity, it is refreshing and fills the void left by the business of politics as usual. The negative voices will seek to discourage any notion of political truth, claiming to know best what the electorate wants. The astute speaker will reject the “I know what’s best” message and rely on truth in advertising and the wisdom of the governed Will this strategy work, and can the objective of organizational growth be achieved?

Absolutely! After all, The Tea Party is proof positive.

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