Flint City Councilman Proposes Drug Testing for City Officials
A Flint councilman is proposing drug testing for city officials. According to NBC 25, Councilman Sheldon Neely says proposal is "about government responsibility" and "we have to build the trust back with out community." Neeley says city officials need a clear head to make decisions.
However, there are many questioning the timing of the move with Neeley facing Councilman Eric Mays in a primary next week for the 34th District state House seat. Paul Rozycki, teacher of political science at Mott Community College, says that the timing sounds "a little bit funny" and "it does sound like a campaign ploy in many ways." Neeley says the move is not aimed anyone in particular. Mays had been found guilty of driving while impaired earlier this month.
Some residents say drug testing city officials may be a good thing and help the city out, but that it should also only be for cause. While Flint's Emergency Manager and Mayor were unavailable for comment, the city attorney said that drug testing of city officials is legal.