Be a Community Champion! Help Drive Business, More Visitors to Flint-Genesee Region
Every group, large or small that comes to Flint-Genesee County brings revenue. Whether they are staying at a local hotel, eating at a local restaurant, buying gas at a local station, shopping, or visiting one of our cultural attractions, visitors impact our economy.
That’s why the Flint-Genesee Regional CVB – a strategic business unit of the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce is introducing the Community Champion program. The idea is to turn community members into community ambassadors by asking them to invite organizations they are involved with to hold their meetings in Flint and Genesee County. As an added incentive, one Community Champion will win a $500 gift certificate.
According to Tim Herman, CEO of the Genesee Regional Chamber the Community Champion program could have a major economic impact on the area. “We want to bring more business meetings and visitors to Flint and Genesee County because the more overnight visitors, the more jobs and revenue we bring to local businesses,” said Herman.
If your group holds its meeting in Flint-Genesee County, not only will you help bring more business to the community, you will receive:
- Recognition on the Community Champion Honor Roll on the Genesee Regional Chamber’s web site.
- Potential mention in community newspapers for you and your organization.
- If your suggestion leads to overnight stays at a local hotel, you could be invited to the Flint-Genesee Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau’s annual Hospitality Awards program to be honored as the Community Champion of the Year.
Cheryl DeFrain, Director of the Flint-Genesee Regional CVB is excited about the project. “We want to partner with local people who are members, leaders and influencers of civic, social, educational, or religious groups that meet regularly,” said DeFrain. “If they provide the name of a meeting planner, share a program outline, name of event and where it is traditionally held; or arrange an introduction to a key decision maker, we will take it from there.”
The winner will be chosen based on which meeting has the biggest impact that year, based on which brings the most overnight stays, people and revenue to the community. The winner will receive a $500 gift certificate. The first Community Champion Award will be presented at the 2013 Hospitality Awards Banquet in May 2013.
To submit a lead or for more information, visit www.thegrcc.org website and click on the Community Champion link, or contact Cheryl DeFrain at cdefrain@thegrcc.org.
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