
How Much Do Americans Love Canada?
How Much Do Americans Love Canada?
How Much Do Americans Love Canada?
According to a new Gallup poll, United States citizens truly love our neighbors to the north — in fact, in the company’s annual favorability ratings, 96 percent of Americans said they have a generally favorable view of Canada, while only three percent view it unfavorably.
Americans Are the Coolest People on the Planet, Says the Rest of the World
Americans Are the Coolest People on the Planet, Says the Rest of the World
Americans Are the Coolest People on the Planet, Says the Rest of the World
A survey of 30,000 people in 15 nations by the social networking site has found that America ranks as the world’s “coolest nationality.” Other countries singled out for their hip nature were Brazil (second coolest overall) and Spain (coolest in Europe.) Belgium edged out Poland for least coolest nationality status.