Current and future resident physicians in the Hurley Internal Medicine Residency Training Program can feel confident in their decision to train at Hurley. The program recently earned five years of accreditation - with zero citations - from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), a nonprofit organization that certifies the quality of a medical residency or fellowship program through its accreditation process. The ACGME evaluates and accredits medical residency training programs in the United States.

Nationwide, 44% of Internal Medicince residency training programs earn accreditation cycles of five years, the maximum cycle life, according to 2010 figures. The rating puts Hurley in the "high level of performance" category as indicated by the Residency Review Committee action.

"Our residents get an excellent experience at Hurley," said Program Director Ghassan Bachuwa MD, MS, MHSA. "That helps us recruit highly qualified residents."

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