Over the last seven days, the Internet gave us a diverse group of viral videos - a refreshing change of pace after all of the Osama bin Laden-related videos from last week.

We saw the return of Charlie Sheen, a dead squirrel, a human bicycle, an amazing tennis shot, some incredible street dancing and more.

What were some of your favorite viral videos this week?

Take a look at some of our favorites of the week after the jump.

Little Girl Plays With Dead Squirrel


Riding a bicycle in an airport

Inspirational Ceremonial First Pitch

Japanese Scientists Develop Kissing Machine

Charlie Sheen Releases 'Winning' Single

Rafael Nadal's Amazing Between-the-Legs Shot

'Gotta Share' The Musical: Improv Everywhere

Amazing Street Dancer In Paris

Baby Seal Released Back Into The Ocean

Kitten Can't Quit Smoking

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