23y/o Standout Flint City Bucks Player Killed by Drunk Driver23y/o Standout Flint City Bucks Player Killed by Drunk DriverThe Flint City Bucks soccer family is mourning the loss of one of their own after standout player Eugene Quaynor was killed in a drunk driving accident. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Opening Night of Flint City AFC’s Inaugural Season is TomorrowOpening Night of Flint City AFC’s Inaugural Season is TomorrowFlint has a new women's soccer team that takes the pitch on Saturday. Chris MonroeChris Monroe
Flint City Bucks to Hold Free Youth Soccer ClinicFlint City Bucks to Hold Free Youth Soccer ClinicGet the kids interested in soccer the right way. Chris MonroeChris Monroe
Soccer Returns To Flint With Flint City Bucks Home Opener WinSoccer Returns To Flint With Flint City Bucks Home Opener WinThe Flint City Bucks could not have asked for a better opening night at Atwood Stadium.ClayClay