As was widely rumored yesterday following NBC’s official notice that Charlie Sheen would be making a “revealing personal announcement,” the actor has come forward to publicly reveal that he is HIV positive. Sheen’s appearance on the Today show to declare this intimate battle seems solemnly appropriate given how highly-publicized and well-documented his struggles have been throughout the years.
We’ve mostly stayed away from any ‘Two and a Half Men’ hubbub since Charlie Sheen’s crazy days settled down, and Angus T. Jones similarly talked himself out of a job, but with the CBS comedy’s series finale firmly set for February 19, we’re at least curious if Charlie Sheen can negotiate a return appearance. Judging by Ashton Kutcher’s coy performance in a recent ‘Ellen’ interview, that looks to be the case.
'Machete Kills,' Robert Rodriguez's follow-up to 2010's 'Machete,' ditches the grindhouse aesthetic and homage, and instead tries to emulate a late-'80s, early-'90s action flick -- basically, Rodriguez made the kind of movie he often makes. The result is an uninspired, joyless and oft-trashy exercise in self-indulgence. Rodriguez has spent his career making films the way he wants in his own backya
My disdain of the 'Scary Movie' franchise came early. I distinctly recall seeing the 'Scary Movie 2' poster, which featured Kathleen Robertson wearing a t-shirt that says "I See Dead People." This isn't a joke. It's just a reference. It isn't clever, it isn't witty - it's just saying a thing from another movie. It's not funny.
Almost 10 years later, 'Scary Movie 5' still suffers from thi
Will the 'Two and a Half Men' crazy never end? Earlier this week, all eyes were on young star Angus T. Jones when his "Forerunner Chrconicles" religious rants hit the web, denouncing the ten-year show as "filth" and urging viewers not to watch. Since then, Jones has since apologized and vowed to remain with the series, in spite of Charlie Sheen's comments, but could recent gue
When the youngest star of a mega-hit CBS sitcom finds religion and derides the show as "filth," prompting its previously-ousted lead to label the show "cursed," it might be time for 'Two and a Half Men' to call it a day. Following series star Angus T. Jones' now-infamous rant against the series, the inevitable has happened and disgraced 'Men' star Charlie Sheen has decided to
Lindsay Lohan is trying to make a comeback. Part of that comeback is her role in 'Scary Movie 5' where she was set to appear alongside Charlie Sheen. Except Lindsay Lohan just can't stop being Lindsay Lohan and the actress, despite trying to be on her best behavior, disappeared, skipped rehearsals, missed her flight to the film's set and tried to bail on the film by claiming "walking pneumoni
As the world watched Charlie Sheen‘s nuclear meltdown in the days after he was canned from ‘Two and a Half Men‘ last year, a lot of people couldn’t help but find the irony in the word he used to describe his situation: “Winning!”
But hindsight being what it is, Sheen now reveals in an interview that he shares that feeling, saying he was “in total denial” during that dark time.