People in stores are the worst on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year. Here is a look at the 10 absolute worst people you'll find in stores the day after Thanksgiving.
Black Friday brings out some of the most hilariously strange antics of us Americans. On Thanksgiving we give thanks for all the great stuff in our lives, and just hours later, we're waiting in massive lines and getting in spats with fellow consumers over the latest deals on video games. That's the good ol' USA for you.
Here's the Saturday-after-Thanksgiving tradition: a smartphone video of a Black Friday riot. This is in Moultrie, GA, and the swarms of people are grabbing cheap pay-as-you-go smartphones. But it's not the only shame to be happening, as the clip you've seen elsewhere isn't legit.
The big gimmick this Thanksgiving season is retailers beginning their Black Friday sales on Thursday, a day previously reserved for turkey and football with the family. This has understandably annoyed retail employees, who now have to work on what was previously a holiday. It also isn't necessarily winning over consumers.
Holiday shoppers have been sharpening their skills for weeks in anticipation of all the Thanksgiving and Black Friday deals that are schedule to go down before most holiday dinners are even digested.