Bill Kennedy: From Film Actor to Detroit's #1 TV Movie HostBill Kennedy: From Film Actor to Detroit's #1 TV Movie HostBill Kennedy knew Hollywood - but he could still flub his way through his show. One of Detroit's TV favorites, here's some info and photos...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Internet is Hilariously Paying Tribute To Pop-Tarts CreatorThe Internet is Hilariously Paying Tribute To Pop-Tarts CreatorGoodnight, so long, and thanks for all of the toaster pastries.Laura HardyLaura Hardy
Michigan House, Senate Agree on Bill to Prevent Youth SuicideMichigan House, Senate Agree on Bill to Prevent Youth SuicideLook at THAT! Both sides actually AGREED on something!AJAJ
New Bill Would Eliminate Renewal Stickers on MI License PlatesNew Bill Would Eliminate Renewal Stickers on MI License PlatesDo you think that this is a good idea? PatPat