A school teacher in Michigan has been placed on administrative leave after giving students a worksheet that compared former President Barack Obama to monkeys.
If ever conservative madmen escaped into the real world, Stephen Colbert would be judge. The Late Show host’s not-quite Colbert Report alter-ego returned to have the final “Werd” on Barack Obama’s presidency, the full clip of which you can watch right now.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Environmental Protection Agency moved Friday to preserve strict fuel-economy standards put in place by the Obama administration, making it difficult for the Trump administration to undo them.
If ever there were a time for President Obama to show his anger, Key & Peele’s Luther would be it. Watch the pair make their final appearance on The Daily Show, as Luther tries (and fails spectacularly) to keep his anger toward the new President-Elect in check.
It’s hard enough for film critics without Barry O. snatching up our freelance gigs, but President Obama and the First Lady weighed in with their choices for 2015’s best film.