
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
After last year's flu season, which health officials say was one of the mildest in the past 30 years, the illness is back with a vengeance. Well, if you're unlucky enough to currently have the flu, at least a new Facebook app can help track down the diseased jerk who gave it to you in the first place.
New App Helps Urology Patients Find Bladder Friendly Foods
New App Helps Urology Patients Find Bladder Friendly Foods
New App Helps Urology Patients Find Bladder Friendly Foods
Concerned what you’re eating may be causing bladder discomfort? There’s an app for that. Researchers at the Interstitial Cystitis Network released a new iPhone and iPad application that gives patients access to food lists and a food database that they can use while shopping and eating out to deal with overactive bladder.

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