Study: College Party Hosts Living Off-Campus Drink More
If you are a college student living off-campus and throwing parties, you are likely drinking more than your partygoers, according to a new Ohio State University study.
The report, published in the journal Addictive Behavior, found students who hosted off-campus parties drank more alcoholic beverages than those that attended the party. Contrastingly, party hosts that reside on-campus tend to drink less than the students attending their functions.
Researchers have also learned that most college hosts hold similar characteristics. They are typically male, living off campus, members of a Greek organization, in their second year or higher of college, and have more money to spend each month than other fellow students.
The study was comprised of an online survey involving 3,796 students during two consecutive school years. The research was conducted chiefly to lower the amount of drinking on college campuses across the nation.
“Party hosts set the contest for the attendees”, said Cynthia Buettner, assistant professor of human development at Ohio State University, in a statement. “So if you could get people to think about hosting a party in a particular way, you could reduce the risks for the people who attend.”
According to the government sponsored website, 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24, die from alcohol related unintentional injuries, and 97, 000 students between the same ages were victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape, thus providing great incentive for researchers to find ways of reducing binge drinking on college campuses.