Snow Shovelers With Rhythm Dance Up a (Snow) Storm
Shoveling snow is music to their ears.
These three guys in Nova Scotia, Canada put on a choreographed dance routine while shoveling snow because nothing will ever bother Canadians. While clearing snow, you say you're more interested in getting inside to have hot cocoa? These guys are more interested in getting down with some hot moves.
Check it out as the boogie like no one's watching. That's life in Canada, where snow is as much a part of the daily landscape as Tim Hortons. The cold doesn't annoy them -- if it did you can bet they wouldn't be wearing short sleeve shirts or, you know, acting like they're putting together their audition tape for So You Think You Can Dance.
Their inspired show even gives this enterprising snow shoveler a run for his money.
Gotta love our neighbors to the north. It snows and they're like, "Hey, let's dance" whereas here in the States we'd be all like, "This better not stop me from leaving the house." Heck, the only moves we'd be showing off with our feet would be the one where we slip on a patch of ice.
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