Should Flint Township Change Their Name For A Fresh Start?
The Flint Township name change committee held their first name changing meeting, as they try to move away from the stigma of the city of Flint.
So far there are no solid name suggestions, but board members seem bent on changing the name as soon as they can. Right now the committee is trying to pick a suitable replacement name, and get the new name up for a vote with the community.
The next meeting is March 30th, but you can actually submit your suggestion for a new township name here.
The thing that strikes me as a little weird is that everyone just seems OK with the name change. There has been a upswing in Flint Pride attitudes since the Flint Water Crisis. People in our area seem to be more willing to stand up for our city instead of just walking away.
This name change is about distancing the township from the city of Flint, and nobody seems to have a problem with that. The committee chairman, Jerry Preston didn't hold back on the reason for the name change either.
This township is well planned and financially well off and they don't want to be affiliated with a city that may not be
Since it doesn't look like there will be much of a fight to keep the Flint Township name, what do you suggest the new name should be?
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