Obesity, Chronic Diseases Stable Across U.S. States in 2011
Most states in the country have an obese adult population above 20 percent, according to the latest Gallup Index Healthways Well-Being Index.
The survey released Wednesday showed for the second year straight Colorado was the only state where fewer than 20 percent of adults were obese.West Virginia hold the title of the state with the highest obesity rate; 35.3 percent of residents living there are obese, the highest for any state that Gallup and Healthways have found since 2008.
Overall, the U.S. saw a slight decline in the nations overall obesity rate, from 26.6 percent in 2010 to 26.1 percent in 2011. This shows positive change, as obesity rates when up in 2009 and 2010 in comparison with 2008s nationwide percentages.
Not only is Colorado and West Virginia at either end of the obesity poll, these two states also hold the lowest and highest percentages of high blood pressure and diabetes, respectively.
Other states such as, Utah, Alaska, Louisiana, and South Carolina reported nearly the same high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity rates as previous years. Gallup concluded that there were no increases throughout each state in the category of adult obesity rates.
Results are based on survey participants phoning in and self-reporting their height and weight, which are measured to determine Body Mass Index (BMI) scores. U.S. residents who have a BMI of 30 or greater are considered to be obese.
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