Kroger Phasing Out Plastic Bags at all Stores
Plastic bags at Kroger will not be available much longer. Kroger operates almost 2,800 grocery stores in the US. They plan to have all those stores plastic bag free by 2025. According to Fox 2 Detroit, Kroger orders almost 6 billion plastic bags each year. There is no doubt that all that plastic is not doing the environment any favors. Kroger said in a statement last week that as American's are growing uncomfortable with the impact of plastic on the environment, it is time they do their part.
According to Fox 2 Detroit, the stores hope to transition to all reusable bags in their stores. During the transition period, they will be seeking customer feedback. Reusable bags will be available at stores for $1 or $2 each, during the transition paper bags will be available for free.
Kroger isn't the first major retailer to do away with plastic, Starbucks has been phasing out plastic straws for a while now. I actually got a few paper bags when I checked out at Kroger last weekend, I actually prefer them. I feel like you can pack a paper bag better, and they are obviously better for the environment.
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