According to Worthly, Taylor Swift's current net worth is somewhere in the ballpark of $570 million. That is one whoppin' pile of cash. So, when she and longtime boyfriend Joe Alwyn reportedly called it quits after a 6-year relationship, it's fair to speculate that it wasn't the money that caused the breakup.

Yet, the fact still remains that world-renowned superstar Taylor Swift is now single. Throughout her 33 years of life, she has spent time in Pennsylvania, Tennesee, New York, Los Angeles, London, but what if the quaint little city of Lapeer, Michigan is exactly what someone like Swift needs in her new single life?

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Being that Swift has always been known for her 'from the heart' self-written music, we figured that would be the place to start.

So, using some of her most popular song titles, here are some Lapeer area businesses that could possibly win over Swift's rebounding heart.

Songs Taylor Swift Could Dedicate to The Lapeer Area

First off, due to the fact that she collaborated with Tim McGraw on a song called 'Highway Don't Care,' be smart and keep Swift off of I-69. Use backroad directions when getting her to Lapeer, because you don't want her thinking about Tim McGraw while you're trying to win her heart.

Swift's song called 'Cardigan' should let you know that she has a specific fashion sense. So, be smart, and make your first stop either Maurices or Kohl's in Lapeer, get her the cardigan of her choice, and move on.

From this point, let Swift tell you a little bit about her 'Wildest Dreams.' If they seem a little out there, your best bet might be to take her straight to the McLaren Lapeer Region Sleep Center and let them give a second opinion.

Other Activities in the Area That She May Enjoy

At this point in your time with Swift, your nerves may be getting the best of you. Letting this overpower you can lead to a look of desperation. If at any point she says 'You Need to Calm Down,' remind her that you are in the state of Michigan, and there are many dispensary choices within a couple miles that can provide all the calming you might need in a situation like this one.

If she shoots you down and claims your anxiety is being caused by 'Bad Blood,' my suggestion would be to drive straight to Quest Diagnostics on Baldwin Rd. and nip that in the blood immediately.

If you're out driving around the city, show her the brand new Lapeer landmark sign in front of Lapeer City Hall on Liberty Street. It's a hot topic in Lapeer right now, and it would be awesome to know what Swift thinks of this new local landmark.

Off To Dinner

Being that she had success with her song 'White Horse,' I feel the only logical place to take Swift to dinner would be The White Horse Inn of Metamora. It has the perfect amount of hometown feel, mixed with that little extra class to impress her.

And don't forget, if any of the dinner conversation leads to past relationship talk, allowing Swift to use words like 'This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things,' just reassure her that List Psychological Services: Lapeer is available if needed.

But, if she keeps going on and on saying 'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,' do not let her know about Lapeer Family Development on N. Court St in Lapeer. I mean, that would pretty much defeat the purpose of the evening, don't you think?

Finally, being that Swift's roots started in country music, I would take her out for a nightcap at Hitch-n-Post for some pool, live music, and maybe a late-night snack.

Final Words of Wisdom to Potentially Win Taylor's Heart in Lapeer

If your evening ends with Taylor having a 'Look What You Made Me Do' face, just 'Shake it Off' and be glad that at least you could show her all of the wonders that the Lapeer area has to offer.

But, if every bit of this nonsensical advice has your evening ending in a 'Love Story,' you're welcome! Who wouldn't fall for Lapeer?

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