Do Cops Have Quotas – This Is What We Found
When it comes to certain quotes, it doesn't matter how long you have had your driver's license. Whether you just got your license recently, or you have been driving for decades, we have all heard the same quote from other drivers.
"Be careful if you are out driving around today. The cops must be trying to fill their quotas. They're everywhere."
Do Cops Actually Have Quotas to Fill?
Although the answer to this age-old question is undoubtedly Google-able, I thought it would be more fun to actually try to speak to officers from our local Lapeer City, and State, police departments.
I started with the State Police Post on M24 in Lapeer. After speaking to a few different officers (who all had the same answer to the question) I learned that the short answer is simply 'No'. And, coincidentally, all three officers chuckled at the question saying I was far from the first person to ask.
From there I drove over to the City of Lapeer Public Safety Building to ask the same question.
I was lucky enough to be able to speak with Lieutenant John Sipielewski. Not only was he fun to talk to but, he also had some interesting follow-ups to the question.
What Are the Top Three Concerns on The Roadways These Days?
Knowing that the Michigan Distracted Driving Laws was a huge initiative, I was shocked to hear the '#1 Concern' from both the City and State locations was the same. The number one concern was Public Safety. And I could tell that every officer that said it, meant it.
Of course, Distracted Driving was on the lists of both departments. And D.U.I.s were also on both lists. But, as far as speeding and seatbelt tickets go, they were not even brought up in the conversation.
As both departments stated, no officer has a 'quota' to fill as part of their job. This does not mean their stats are not being monitored, however. Being an officer of the law is a job. And that job does require officers to be productive. But, again, there are no 'quotas' involved with this.
How Many Tickets Are Written Per Day in Lapeer on Average?
To take it one step further, I spoke to a clerk at the Lapeer District Court 71A office. After explaining the purpose of my call and the findings I had discovered, I asked a question to which the answer shocked me.
The question: "How many tickets, on average, are written in Lapeer County on a daily basis?"
The answer: "Between things like speeding, defective equipment, seatbelts, license plates, misdemeanors, & civil infractions, we average around 10 per day."
So, the next time someone tells you the police are out in force trying to fill their monthly quotas, you can rest assured that that is not the case. They are simply out there with public safety being top of mind. So, if you end up getting a ticket for something on the roadways, don't blame 'cop quotas', blame yourself.
And, with that being said ... stay safe out there.