Polish up your broom and dust off your giant black hat, Scooter's Bar & Grill is gearing up for the 7th Annual Witches Event in October.

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This is an afternoon of fun for a great cause, proceeds benefit SAD (Shelter Animal Donations) and the wonderful things they do for the animals of Genesee County. Your $35 ticket price includes your first cocktail of choice, appetizers, giveaways, games, broom races, wine tastings, a DJ (dancing), and live music from the band 'Still Rain'.

There is one stipulation - all attendees must be in a witch costume. You can go over the top in terms of your witches costume or keep it simple with a hat and a black cape - just don't show up in your regular clothes. This is an opportunity to let loose, have fun and most importantly support SAD. If you are not familiar, SAD is a Fenton-based group of volunteers for Genesee County Animal Control. The group helps create fundraising opportunities for all animals of the GCAC.
Tickets go on sale for this bewitching event on Monday, September 19th at Scooter's Bar & Grill located at Hill and Torrey Roads in Flint. The event happens on Saturday, October 8th from 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Don't wait too long to purchase your ticket(s), this is a very popular event every year.

There is always something going on at Scooter's Bar & Grill from the new Monday 'Industry Night' to 'Trivia Tuesday' with Chris Monroe and live music all weekend long, even on Sundays. Scooter's truly is the biggest little bar in Flint.

For additional upcoming events at Scooter's Bar & Grill, click here.

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50 Haunted Michigan Locations

Below is just the tip of the iceberg—a list of fifty Michigan hauntings that have been "reported" in cemeteries, houses, woods, jails, businesses, neighborhoods...if you can name it, there's probably a haunting for it.

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