Michigan residents will pay more to play the Mega Millions lottery in 2025.

The cost of a Mega Millions ticket is currently $2. Beginning in April 2025, the price will more than double to participate. Brace yourself, Mega Millions tickets will be priced at $5.

According to Gambling Industry News, a $5 Mega Millions ticket price will lead to the following,

  • Improved odds to win the Jackpot
  • Bigger jackpots
  • Bigger starting jackpots
  • Faster growing jackpots
  • A built-in multiplier on every play
  • Players will always win more than the ticket cost

I don't often play Mega Millions; like many people, I tend to play when the jackpots are really big. Typically I will spend $20 on ten tickets. After the price increase, I am looking at $50.

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Is the Mega Millions lottery played in every state?

According to Spectrum News, the Mega Millions lottery is played in 45 states, Washington D.C., and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

States that do not offer Mega Millions play include Nevada, Utah, Alabama, Hawaii, and Alaska.

Will the upcoming price increase affect how many Mega Millions lottery tickets you purchase?

You know the saying - you have to pay to play. In this instance, you will just be paying more.

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